Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dental Anthropology Research Project on Anuradhapura Vedda II

We have so far visited about six viilages in Medawacchi division in Anuradhapura district namely, Diviyaudabendawewa, Kukulewa, Wanni-palugollewa, Kalawelpothana, Koppetiyawa and Pandiggama. We have done the field visits four times with final visit beign 11th and 12th May 2012 to cover the above mentioned villages.

We have taken impressions of upper and lower dental arches of around 200 individuals and made plaster casts from them. These casts are stored in the department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Perdeniya, Sri Lanka. We are very careful to select individuals who have the complete dention and minimal damage in their teeth with caries, attrirtion, abbrasion, etc.

In carrying out this work, we have to face many difficulties due to minimal facilities avalable in these villages. Hope this is evident by the photographs that we have published in this blog. However, we did our best to collect the impressions giving maximum care to those individuals who participated in the project.

We are palnning to continue the colection of dental cast and increase our sample size bt visiting some more villages in the future.

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