Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bible Rock

“Batalegala Kanda” or commonly known as bible rock is situated in Kandy and visible as you reach a area called Kadugannawa. It can be seen, shrouded in thick jungle from time immemorial. It has been named as bible rock by British rulers at that time when Sri Lanka was ruled by them probably because of its shape. It is rectangular in shape as you see in the picture and they might have seen that like a book or bible for that matter. However, today it is being transformed into a Buddhist place of worship. To the traveler proceeding from Colombo to Kandy, the magnificent spectacle of the rock stands as a collosurs dwarfing the surrounding landscape.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Peradenyal University Reasearch Sessions (PURSE) 2008

Peradeniya university research sessions (PURSE) for 2008 was held last week. It is the main scientific meeting of the year in our University. Approximately 200 research papers in various fields of study such as agriculture, engineering, health sciences (medicine, dental and allied health science), biological and physical sciences and humanities and social sciences were presented at the meeting.

The meeting was held at the faculty of science, university of Peradeniya. His Excellency Choi Ki Chul the ambassador of the republic of Korea was the chief guest for the occasion. The meeting was a success and very productive.